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Securing Our Future - The Community Dashboard

There is so much to celebrate about Janesville and Rock County. We have a good economy, strong schools, a wonderful trail and parks system, and many civic amenities. There are also areas in which we can grow. The Community Dashboard is a multifaceted snapshot of our community. It captures metrics in areas that span economy, education, workforce, health, safety, business climate, and quality of life to showcase where we’re currently at and where we’re going. Take a look for yourself to see what makes Janesville and Rock County communities of choice. Thank you to Alliant Energy for sponsoring the Community Dashboard.


Community Dimensions

Total Population, City of Janesville



+0.0% vs. 2022

Janesville is the largest city in Rock County. It is also the county seat and a commercial center for surrounding communities. Compared to 2017, Janesville has seen population growth of 2.8%, far outpacing the state’s average population growth of 0.3% per year between 2010 and 2022.

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Gross Domestic Product, Rock County



+$697M vs. 2021

County GDP is the market value of goods and services produced within a county during one year. While other measures of county economies rely mainly on labor market data, GDP is a more comprehensive figure because it captures trends in labor, revenue, and value of production.

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Total Number of Part 1 Crimes, Janesville



+4.7% vs. 2021

Part 1 Crimes include all violent crimes as well as property crimes and are measured per 100,000 residents. The slight increase in Part 1 Crimes in 2022 was concentrated among property crimes and followed national trends. Overall, Part 1 Crimes have decreased 36% since 2017.

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Community Perception, Janesville Citizens



+0.0% vs. 2021

In 2021, 76% of respondents agreed with the statement “Janesville is a good place to live” in the Community Survey. In 2024, 76% of respondents to the 2024 Strategic Plan Community Survey conducted by BerryDunn ranked the “Overall Quality of Life in Janesville” as “Good.”

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Strong Educational Foundation

3rd Graders Reading at or Above Grade Level



-7% vs. 2019

The percentage of 3rd grade students reading at or above grade level has declined to 51% from its 2018 (56%) and 2019 (58%) percentages. The school district’s goal is for 90% of 3rd grade students to read at or above grade level. 2020 data was not available for many educational metrics due to the pandemic.

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Janesville Grads Meeting Career Ready Indicators



+7% vs. 2018

To meet this criteria, a student must have A.) an identified career cluster and B.) two or more of the following: a 90% attendance rate, an industry credential, a workplace learning experience, dual credit in a career pathway, participation in co-curricular activities, and/or 25 hours of community service.

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Janesville High School Graduation Rate



+2.0% vs. 2022

Janesville’s graduation rate has steadily increased since 2017 and grew by 2% in 2023, exceeding the district’s goal to increase graduation rates by 1% per year. Wisconsin’s state average graduation rate is 90.5%. Higher graduation rates indicate student commitment to education.

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Janesville School District DPI Overall Score



-2.9 pts vs. 2022

Department of Public Instruction (DPI) scores publicly funded school districts as: Significantly Exceeds Expectations (100 to 83), Exceeds Expectations (82.9 to 70), Meets Expectations (69.9 to 58), Meets Few Expectations (57.9 to 48), and Fails to Meet Expectations (47.9 and below).

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Dependable and Skilled Workforce

Average Monthly Unemployment Rate, Janesville-Beloit MSA



-0.2% vs. 2022

The 2023 unemployment rate in the Janesville-Beloit MSA was slightly lower than the national rate of 3.6% and slightly higher than the Wisconsin rate of 3%. Compared to historical data, the local unemployment rate is trending downward, signaling strength in the labor market.

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Total Average Civilian Labor Force, Janesville - Beloit MSA



+2,342 workers vs. 2022

The Civilian Labor Force is the number of people who are either working or actively looking for work. There was a slight dip in workforce in 2022, but gains were made in 2023. The labor force includes all people aged 16 and older who are classified as either employed or unemployed.

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Unique Job Postings, Rock County (Monthly Average, All Sectors)



+2,779 postings vs. 2020

Rock County employers listed, on average, 2,779 more jobs per month in 2021 than they did in 2020. We list this metric in red because while a thriving community should have jobs for its citizens, it becomes a community negative if those jobs remain unfilled.

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Number of Unemployed People, Janesville-Beloit MSA (Monthly Average)



-714 people vs. 2021

This metric represents the average monthly number of unemployed people in the Janesville-Beloit MSA. The monthly average number of unemployed people in the area dropped by 714 from 2021 to 2022.

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Economic Growth & Opportunity

Net New Construction %, Janesville



+0.59% vs. 2021

Cities use the percentage of net new construction (NNC) as a valuation factor in determining the allowable tax levy. To determine the allowable tax levy increase, a city divides the net new construction dollars by its equalized assessed value (EAV) to calculate the percentage the levy may increase.

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Median Household Income, Rock County



+$245 vs. 2020

Rock County’s Median Household Income continues to trend in the right direction, rising by $14,810 since 2016. Household income includes income of the householder and all other people 15 years and older in the household, whether or not they are related to the householder.

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New County Business Applications



+324 apps vs. 2020

Rock County saw the number of business applications jump by 324 from 2020 to 2021. The U.S. Census Bureau measures business initiation activity by applications for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) on IRS Form SS-4.

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Commercial Permits Issued by Year, Janesville



+16 permits vs. 2020

Janesville saw a 11.9% increase in the number of commercial permits issued in 2021. This metric represents a combination of the two types of commercial permits: addition/remodel permits issued for improvements to existing properties, and commercial permits issued for new construction projects.

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Healthy Living & Healthcare

Health Outcomes Overall Rank, Rock County

61 of 72


+1 spot vs. 2021

This ranking means that Rock County was the 11th unhealthiest WI county in 2022, but we are moving in the right direction. This metric takes dozens of factors into account, including length and quality of life, health behaviors, clinical care, and physical environment.

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Adult Obesity Percentage, Rock County



Unchanged vs. 2021

Rock County’s adult obesity percentage stayed at 37% in 2022. These figures represent the percentage of the adult population (age 20 and older) that reports a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30.

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Total Life Expectancy, Rock County

77.6 Yrs


-0.6 years vs. 2021

Life expectancy in Rock County fell by 0.6 years in 2022, but is significantly higher than the national average (76.6 years in 2021).

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% of Citizens in Poor/Fair Health, Rock County



-1% vs. 2021

The percentage of Rock County citizens who self-report being in poor or fair health dropped by 1% in 2022. Self-reported health status is a widely used measure of people’s health-related quality of life.

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Safe & Affordable Neighborhoods

Median Home Listing Price, Janesville - Beloit MSA



+$53,531 vs. 2021

The median home listing price in the Janesville-Beloit MSA rose by $53,531 from 2021 to 2022, and has risen by a total of $120,034 since 2017. The median price is in the middle of a data set, with half of the houses priced below and half priced above.

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Rent or Mortgage Burdened Households, Rock County



-2.4% vs. 2020

The percentage of county households that are considered mortgage or rent burdened, defined as households that spend 30% or more of their income on housing, has decreased steadily and significantly since 2016 (-5.3%).

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Total Residential Building Permits Issued, City of Janesville



+41 permits vs. 2020

The city has seen a steady increase in the number of building permits issued since 2018, when 82 permits were issued. This metric represents residential building permits issued for new construction projects.

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Community Perception, Janesville Police Department

78% +


+1% vs. 2020

When Janesville citizens were asked “How would you rate your satisfaction with the performance of the City of Janesville Police Department?” in the 2021 Janesville Community Survey, 78% responded "satisfied."

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Public Spaces & Amenities

Acres of Parkland per 1,000, Janesville



4X the nat'l avg. vs. 2020

This metric is calculated by dividing the total number of city park acres by the population and multiplying by 1,000. According to the National Park and Recreation Association, the average American city has 9.9 acres of park land for every 1,000 residents. This metric has shrunk over time, as our population has increased while park acreage remains static.

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Number of Trees Planted by Year, Janesville

46 Trees


-49 vs. 2020

The number of trees planted per year has fluctuated significantly over the last five years. This metric is listed in red to show a decline in the number of trees planted in 2021 vs. 2020, but we believe the fact that the city keeps track of this metric demonstrates their commitment to environmental sustainability.

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City Recreation Program Participants



+41,000 people vs. 2021

This metric measures the total number of people participating in the City of Janesville's recreation programs. Although the COVID-19 pandemic greatly impacted recreation programing, participation levels have returned to normal.

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Total Tourism Spending, City of Janesville

$141 M


+$31 million vs. 2020

Tourism spending was dramatically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and rebounded in 2021 and beyond. This metric measures spending on accommodations, food and beverage, retail, entertainment, recreation and local transportation.

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Strong Civic Bonds & Infrastructure

Spring Voter Participation Rate



-17.6% vs. 2020

Janesville’s voter participation rate in spring elections has fluctuated over the last five years. The five-year average spring election voter turnout percentage is 26.2%.

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Fall Voter Participation Rate



+7.4% vs. 2018

Janesville saw record-high turnout in the 2020 November election. The five-year fall election voter turnout percentage is 75.4%

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Miles of City Streets Rehabilitated

12.7 Miles


+0.6 miles vs. 2020

The City of Janesville has increased the miles of city streets resurfaced or reconstructed per year since 2014. The City’s goal is to resurface or reconstruct 12 miles of streets annually. The City owns and maintains over 330 miles of paved streets.

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Avg. PASER Rating, Janesville Streets



-0.01 points vs. 2019

The PASER (Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating) scale is used to rate the condition of road pavement using a rating system ranging from 10 (excellent) to 1 (failed road condition).

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Number of IT/Tech Jobs in Rock County

1,724 Jobs


-122 vs. 2020

This metric contains jobs in 33 different IT/tech sectors; everything from Computer and Information Systems Management (99 jobs) to Avionics Technicians (less than 10 jobs).

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Median Earnings, IT/Tech Jobs in Rock County



+$810 vs. 2020

This information is culled from earnings data from 23 IT/tech job categories. The highest median earnings were for information security analysts ($141,990), architectural and engineering managers ($126,485), and computer and information systems managers ($119,856).

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WI Kaufman Early-Stage Entrepreneurship Index



+1.71 vs. 2020

The KESE Index is an index of four indicators of entrepreneurship activity: 1) the percentage of adults becoming entrepreneurs in a given month; 2) the percentage of new entrepreneurs driven by opportunity rather than necessity; 3) the total number of jobs per capita created by startups in their first year; and 4) the percentage of startups that remain in operation through their first year.

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WI Startup Early Survival Rate



+3.6% vs. 2020

This figure measures the percent of Wisconsin startups that are still active after one year. This figure was stagnant from 2016-2020.

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Higher Education

Blackhawk Technical College Enrollment



+75 vs. 2020

Blackhawk Technical College has seen 5% enrollment growth since 2018, and steady increases each year.

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BTC Average Graduate Starting Wages



+$572 vs. 2020

Blackhawk Technical College graduates have seen their starting average wages grow steadily each year since 2018. Graduate wages have risen over 16 percent since 2018 ($44,457 in 2021 vs. $38,219 in 2018).

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UW-W at Rock County Fall Enrollment



-50 vs. 2021

UW-Whitewater at Rock County’s Fall Enrollment dropped by 50 students from 2021-2022. The campus’s enrollment has declined since 2018, when the fall enrollment was 975 students.

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UW-W at Rock County # of Degrees Awarded



-23 vs. 2020

While UW-Whitewater at Rock County’s number of degrees awarded dropped in 2021, it is far above the 2019 figure, when 38 degrees were awarded.

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